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Plusoptix - PlusOptix Pediatric Autorefractor.


Pediatric Autorefractor

The purpose of Pediatric Autorefraction is to provide a baseline refraction

The purpose of a Plusoptix Pediatric Autorefractor is to provide an eye care professional with a baseline refraction in the context of an entry examination of a child.

In combination with other entry examination test an eye care professional is able to determine the scope of the following eye examination. If a cycloplegic retinoscopy is required, the baseline refraction provides a valuable starting point for myopia, astigmatism and axis measurements, thus saves precious chair time.

A Plusoptix Pediatric Autorefractor delivers reliable readings, combined with an ergonomic and award-winning child-friendly design. It can be the missing piece in setting up a smooth process of an entry examination in children.

Basic features

  • Binocular readings
  • Monocular readings (e.g. in strabismic or aphacic patients)
  • Measurement from 1m (3.3 feet) distance to the child
  • Measurement in less than one second
  • Fully automated function
  • Children can be measured starting at 6 months of age
  • Measurement can easily be performed by an Assistant
  • Possibility to measure over glasses and contact lenses

Measurement results

Plusoptix devices provide reliable measurement values of:

  • Refraction (Sphere, Cylinder, Axis)
  • Pupil diameter and pupil distance
  • Symmetry of corneal reflexes

With these measurement values it is possible to detect most common childhood vision disorders that may lead to the development of amblyopia (lazy eye) including:

  • Hyperopia (farsightedness)
  • Myopia (nearsightedness)
  • Astigmatism (blurred vision)
  • Anisometropia (unequal refractive power)
  • Anisocoria (unequal pupil size)
  • Strabismus (Eye misalignment)
Screening results example

Measurement results
plusoptiX A09